Certified used software

Certified used software

Certified used software

We distribute certified used Windows server software, SQL. Each of our products is compliant with regulations, reliable and risk-free. Choose our certified used software to meet your IT needs economically and legally.

Choose licences for your hardware

Available licences
Available licences

Used software is equivalent to new in terms of functionality, security, support and quality. The only thing that shows signs of wear and tear is the cost, which is in fact up to 50 per cent less than new.

Buying used software licences is a legally recognised practice throughout Europe.  The ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 3 July 2012 states that the right to distribute software licences rests with the creator of the programme only until the first sale.

After that, anyone who buys the software licence from another vendor has the right to install and use it. Software licences are not a physical product, but an asset based on rights of use.

We offer certified licences that have all the requirements of the legislation. 

Windows Server & CAL
Windows Server & CAL

Windows Server & CAL licence available in Standard or DataCenter versions (2022, 2019, 2016)

SQL Server & CAL
SQL Server & CAL

SQL Server & CAL licence available in Standard or Enterprise versions [2022, 2019, 2017, 2016].

Exchange Server & CAL
Exchange Server & CAL

Exchange Server & CAL licence available in Standard or Enterprise versions [2019, 2016].


Standard o Professional (2021,2019,2016)

Other available licences:
Other available licences:

Visio/Project, Sharepoint Server

Certified used software licence

Certified used software licence

Choose the right hardware

Reliable, immediate, convenient

We offer you servers from the best brands on the market, including: HP, HPE, Dell, IBM, Lenovo, Fujitsu, Cisco. We assure you the best value for money and a fast and professional support service.


We offer a wide range of storage from the best brands on the market: HP, Dell, IBM, Netapp, EMC. Choose the model, PN and technical specifications and contact us to receive our most advantageous offer.

Network equipment

We supply routers, switches, access points, controllers, transceivers, adapters, cables, antennas and accessories. We work with the most prestigious brands in the industry: HP, HPE, Aruba, Cisco, Extreme Network, 3COM.

Spare Parts

We have a wide availability of spare parts and accessories. HDDs and SDDs, processors, memories, power supplies, motherboards, rack mounts, rack cabinets, fibre cables, cables, adapters, server racks.

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Discover the other services

Hardware Sales
Used hardware take-back
Equipment configuration
Hardware Maintenance
Operational Hire
Certified data erasure
SOS Critical Case
Warranty up to three years
Verified Serial Numbers
Installation of operating systems
Fast delivery